Milda Istiqomah
(S.H., MTCP, Ph.D.)
The Criminal Law
Gedung A, Lantai 5, Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Fakultas Hukum
Terrorism, Security, Law and Human Rights
- Education
- Research
- Publication
Sarjana Ilmu Hukum, Lulus tahun 2005
Master of Transnational Crime Prevention, Lulus tahun 2011
Doctor of Philosophy, Lulus tahun 2020
Protection of Victims of Deep Fake Pornography in a Legal Perspective in Indonesia, International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, vol 10 (1), pp.383-390, 2023
The Tension Between Combating Terrorism and Protecting the Right to a Fair Trial in Indonesia, Lentera Hukum, vol 10(1), 2023
The Urgency of Regulating The Authority of The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) in Countering Terrorism That Threatens The Sovereignty of The Unitary Republic of Indonesia, International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), vol 3(6), pp. 2079-2087, 2023
The Urgency of Gender-Based Counterterrorism Policy Regulation in Indonesia, Sriwijaya Law Review, vol 6(2), pp.205-223, 2022
Indonesia’s New Despotism, Melbourne Asia Review, 2021
Kontraterorisme Berbasis Jender, Kompas, 2021