In order to prepare students to face changes in social, cultural, world of work and rapid technological advances, student competencies must be prepared to be more responsive to the needs of the times. Link and match not only with the world of industry and the world of work but also with a rapidly changing future. Universities are required to be able to design and implement innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes covering aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills optimally and always relevant. Higher education is also not just seeking to achieve learning outcomes, but education must prepare students to think critically with the values ​​of life and choose the opportunities they need to succeed in the path they choose. For this reason, the learning process can vary from learning with an “anywhere and anytime” approach, personal approach, flexible learning presentation, “peer and mentor”, appropriate applications, modules and project-based learning (Education 4.0). Link and match tidak saja dengan dunia industri dan dunia kerja tetapi juga dengan masa depan yang berubah dengan cepat. Perguruan Tinggi dituntut untuk dapat merancang dan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran yang inovatif agar mahasiswa dapat meraih capaian pembelajaran mencakup aspek sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan secara optimal dan selalu relevan. Pendidikan tinggi juga tidak sekedar mengupayakan ketercapaian capaian pembelajaran, tapi pendidikan harus mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk berpikir kritis dengan tata nilai kehidupan dan memilih peluang yang mereka butuhkan agar berhasil dalam jalur yang mereka pilih. Untuk itu proses belajar dapat beragam mulai dari belajar dengan pendekatan “dimanapun dan kapanpun”, pendekatan personal, penyajian pembelajaran yang fleksibel, “peer and mentor”, aplikasi tepat guna, modul dan project-based learning (Education 4.0).

Gambar 1. Education 4.0

The Independent Learning Policy-Independent Campus is expected to be the answer to the demands of Education 4.0. Independent Learning is a form of learning in higher education that is autonomous and flexible so as to create a learning culture that is innovative, unfettered, and in accordance with the needs of students. Students are given the freedom to take credits outside the study program, three semesters which are meant in the form of 1 semester of opportunity to take courses outside the study program and 2 semesters of carrying out learning activities outside the university.

Various forms of learning activities outside of tertiary institutions, including student exchange, research and internships. All these activities must be carried out with the guidance of the lecturer. Independent campuses are expected to provide field contextual experiences that will improve student competence as a whole, be ready to work, or create new jobs.

The learning process in the Merdeka Campus is one of the most essential manifestations of (student centered learning) Learning in the Merdeka Campus provides challenges and opportunities for the development of innovation, creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as developing independence in seeking and finding knowledge through realities and field dynamics such as ability requirements, real problems, social interaction, collaboration, self-management, performance demands, targets and achievements. Through a well-designed and well-implemented independent learning program, students’ hard dan soft skills will be formed strongly.

The Independent Learning Program-Independent Campus is expected to be able to answer the challenges of higher education to produce graduates who are in accordance with the times, advances in science and technology, the demands of the business world and the industrial world, as well as the dynamics of society

The Independent Learning Program which provides freedom for students to study for three semesters outside of the Bachelor of Law Study Program of FH UB based on the following policies:

  1. Law No. 20 of 2003, concerning the National Education System.
  2. Law Number 12 of 2012, concerning Higher Education.
  3. Law Number 6 of 2014, concerning Villages.
  4. Government Regulation Number 04 of 2014, concerning the Implementation of Higher Education and Management of Higher Education.
  5. Presidential Regulation number 8 of 2012, concerning the KKNI.
  6. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards for Higher Education.
  7. Free Learning Guide-Independent Campus Director of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture 2020
  8. Regulation of the Chancellor of the University of Brawijaya Number 45 of 2020 concerning Independent Learning-Independent Campuses
  9. Brawijaya University Education Guidelines for Academic Year 2020/2021

The objective of the Independent Learning-Independence Campus policy, the program “right to learn three semesters outside the study program” is to improve the competence of graduates of the Bachelor of Law Study Program of FH UB, both soft skills and hard skills. to be more prepared and relevant to the needs of the times, prepare graduates as a future leader of the nation with superior and personality. experiential learning programs with flexible pathways are expected to facilitate students to develop their potential according to their passion and talents.

The form of Student Exchange, Research and Internship learning activities are carried out based on the educational path provided in the curriculum that has been determined by the UB Faculty of Law Undergraduate Study Program. The educational path consists of:

  1. Regular Education Path
  2. Independent Education Pathway Studying 1 Semester in UB
  3. Independent Education Path Studying 1 Semester outside UB
  4. Independent Education Path Study 2 Semesters inside and outside UB
  5. Independent Education Path Studying 2 Semesters outside UB
  6. Independent Education Path Study for 3 Semesters inside and outside UB

The distribution of courses in each educational path is presented in the following table:

Each credit (semester credit unit) is defined as “hours of activity”, not “hours of study”. The definition of “activities” includes classroom learning, internships, and student exchanges. Students can take credits outside UB for a maximum of 2 semesters (equivalent to 48 credits) and in addition, they can take credits in different study programs in UB for a maximum of 1 semester (equivalent to 24 credits). The calculation of semester credit units for off-campus learning is equivalent to 170 (one hundred and seventy) minutes per week per semester.

The forms of learning activities that can be chosen by students of the Bachelor of Law Study Program of FH UB include:


Student Exchange is a form of learning activity by giving freedom to students who meet the requirements to take courses outside the Law Study Program of FH UB for 1-3 semesters or the equivalent of 20-72 credits. Student exchange is carried out in two forms, namely

  1. Student Exchange between Study Programs in Universitas Brawijaya; and
  2. Student Exchange between Undergraduate Study Programs in Law.

2. Penelitian

Research is a form of learning activity by conducting research conducted with or funded by partner agencies with the guidance of lecturers. The research is carried out for 1-2 semesters or the equivalent of 24-48 credits. Students who will take part in research activities must meet certain requirements that have been determined by the UB Faculty of Law Undergraduate Study Program.

3. Magang

Program Magang MBKM adalah salah satu bentuk kegiatan pembelajaran dalam Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) yang memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk memperoleh pembelajaran langsung (experiential learning) selama 1 atau 2 semester.

There are 3 forms of MBKM Internships that are recognized in the Bachelor of Law Study Program (PS SIH) FH UB, namely:

  1. Internships organized by Kemendikbudristek;
  2. Internships organized by agencies in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture; and
  3. Internship organized by PS SIH FHUB.

The Initiative Internship Program is an internship program that is part of the Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus (in Bahasa is known as Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka – MBKM) which is organized based on the initiative or recommendation from students.

Students have participated in many MBKM Internship Programs, both organized by the Ministry, Institutions collaborating with the Ministry, and those organized by the Bachelor of Law Study Program. The Internship Initiative is held to accommodate the desire of students to participate in internships at agencies or institutions that are willing to organize internships based on student recommendations that remain based on the provisions of the MBKM Program. Students can propose an internship place to the Study Program by fulfilling the predetermined requirements at first.

The requirements for applying for an Initiative Internship are:

  1. The implementation of the Internship is bound by the provisions of the MBKM Program activities;
  2. The agency or institution has a unit or division that carries out routine activities related to law;
  3. Institutions are willing to accept internship students from the Bachelor of Law Study Program;
  4. Institutions are willing to establish a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya, for the implementation of internships.

The mechanism for submitting the Initiative Internship is as follows:

  1. Students submit an application letter to the Head of the Bachelor of Law Study Program by attaching a Statement of Willingness from the agency or institution for the internship;
  2. The Bachelor of Law Study Program issues a letter to the agency or institution where the internship is conducted, to sign a cooperation agreement for the implementation of internship.

Examples of institutions that can be recommended for internships:

  1. Law Firm or Advocate/Lawyer Office
  2. Notary Office
  3. District Court
  4. District Public Prosecutor’s Office
  5. Company
  6. Local Government
  7. Ministry

The deadline for applying for an Internship Initiative for the implementation of an internship in the Odd Semester of 2022/2023 is August 12, 2022 via https://s.ub.ac.id/maganginisiatif

  1. Initiative Internship Application Letter
  2. Student Internship Acceptance Letter 
  1. Apa itu Program MBKM?

Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka adalah program yang memberikan kebebasan mahasiswa untuk mengikuti pembelajar di luar program studi sampai dengan tiga seemster.

  1. Apa saja bentuk kegiatan Program MBKM?

Terdapat delapan bentuk kegiatan pembelajaran yang dapat diikuti mahasiswa, yaitu magang, penelitian, pertukaran pelajar, studi independen, proyek kemanusiaan, kewirausahaan, membangun desa dan asistensi mengajar

  1. Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum UB mengakui kegiatan MBKM yang mana?

Seluruh bentuk kegiatan MBKM diakui oleh Program Studi.

  1. Siapa pelaksana Program MBKM yang diakui Program Studi?

Terdapat tiga pihak pelaksana Program MBKM yang diakui oleh program studi, yaitu Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, Riset dan Teknologi, Instasi yang bekerjasama dengan kementerian, Universitas Brawijaya, lembaga yang berkerjasama dengan Universitas Brawijaya dan Program Studi sendiri.

  1. Apa syarat mahasiswa yang akan mengikuti Program MBKM?

Pada dasarnya syarat nahasiswa ditentukan oleh masing-masing penyelenggara Program MBKM, namum Program Studi mensyaratkan bahwa mahasiswa dapat mengikuti Program MBKM paling cepat pada semester enam, kecuali Asistensi Mengajar dan Membangun Desa. Sedangkan syarat jumlah sks lulus dan IPK mengikuti ketentuan berikut:

1Magang≥ semester 6; lulus ≥ 100 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00
2Proyek Independen≥ semester 6; lulus ≥ 100 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00
3Asistensi Mengajar≥ semester 5; lulus ≥ 90 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00
4Asistensi Penelitian≥ semester 6; lulus ≥ 100 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00
5Proyek Kemanusiaan≥ semester 6; lulus ≥ 100 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00
6Kewirausahaan≥ semester 6; lulus ≥ 100 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00
7Membangun Desa≥ semester 5; lulus ≥ 90 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00
8STUDENT EXCHANGE≥ semester 6; lulus ≥ 100 sks; IPK ≥ 3,00


  1. Berapa sks per semseter yang dapat dikonversi dalam Program MBKM?

Program MBKM dapat dikonversi menjadi 20 sks per semester.

  1. Apakah Program MBKM yang diikuti wajib dikonversi?

Ya, wajib dikonversi.

  1. Berapa semester mahasiswa dapat mengikuti Program MBKM?

Mahasiswa dapat mengikuti Program MBKM selama satu sampai tiga semester, dengan mengikuti salah satu jalur pendidikan yang disediakan dalam kurikulum.

CoursesEducational Path
Reguler (A)1 smt di luar PS dlm UB (B)1 smt di luar UB (C)1 smt dlm & 1 smt luar UB (D)

2 smt di luar UB


3 smt di luar UB (F)
MKU 8 sksWajib (112 sks)
MKUB 14 sks
MKWPS 90 sks
MKPPS 32-48 sks: 
Pilihan Reguler 18 skswajibWajib 14 sks

MBKM 20 sks + 12 sks

MBKM 20 sks + 12 sks

MBKM 40 sks


40 sks

Pilihan Konsentrasi 10 skswajibWajib 6 sks
Pilihan Kemahiran 4 sksWajibWajib
Pilihan PendalamanPilihanPilihan
Pilihan MBKM  
Pilihan Luar PS 8 sks Wajib Wajib Wajib
TOTAL sks144-160 144-160 144-160 152-160 152-160 160


  1. Apakah mahasiswa dapat memilih sendiri bentuk kegiatan Program MBKM di setiap semester?

Ya, dapat, dengan mengikuti skema kegiatan MBKM berikut:

1Magang1 atau 2 semester
2Proyek Independen1 atau 2 semester
3Asistensi Mengajar1 semester
4Asistensi Penelitian1 atau 2 semester
5Proyek Kemanusiaan1 semester
6Kewirausahaan1 semester
7Membangun Desa1 semester
8STUDENT EXCHANGE1 atau 2 semester

Mahasiswa yang memilih jalur pendidikan 2 semester di luar UB (Jalur E) atau jalur pendidikan 3 semester (Jalur F), tidak diperkenankan untuk mengambil bentuk kegiatan yang kedua-duanya skema 1 semester (Asistensi Mengajar, Proyek Kemanusiaan, Kewirausahaan dan Membangun Desa).

  1. Mata kuliah apa yang dapat dikonversi dalam Program MBKM?

Seluruh mata kuliah dalam kelompok Mata Kuliah Pilihan Program Studi (MKPPS)

  1. Apakah mahasiswa telah mengikuti Program MBKM masih memiliki kewajiban untuk mengambil mata kuliah konsentrasi?

Mahasiswa yang mengikuti Program MBKM tidak wajib mengambil mata kuliah konsentrasi, kecuali mahasiswa yang mengikuti pertukaran pelajar lintas program studi di dalam UB (Jalur Pendidikan B.)

  1. Apakah mahasiswa dapat mengikuti perkuliahan ketika mengikuti Program MBKM?

Tidak bisa.

  1. Apakah mahasiswa dapat memprogramkan Skripsi ketika mengikuti Program MBKM?

Bisa, dengan syarat bahwa pemrograma Skripsi merupakan bagian dari 20 sks, Skripsi berkaitan dengan tema magang dan Skripsi diselesaikan bersamaan dengan Program MBKM.

  1. Apakah mahasiswa memerlukan rekomendasi dalam mendaftar Program MBKM?

Pasti, mahasiswa yang akan mengikuti Program MBKM wajib mendapatkan rekomendasi dari Fakultas Hukum, khususnya kegiatan Program MBKM yang bukan diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi.

  1. Ada berapa jenis pertukaran pelajar?

Pertukara Pelajar, berdasarkan penyelenggaranya, dapat dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu:

  1. Pertukaran Pelajar yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian
  2. Pertukaran Pelajar yang diselenggarakan oleh UB
  3. Pertukaran Pelajar yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Sudi
  4. Bagaimana caranya mengikuti kegiatan pertukaran pelajar yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian?

Mahasiswa mendaftar sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian. Salah satu contoh kegiatannya adalah Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA)

  1. Bagaimana caranya mengikuti kegiatan pertukaran pelajar yang diselenggarakan oleh UB?

Mahasiswa dapat memilih langsung mata kuliah yang ditawarkan oleh program studi lain di UB melalui SIAM.

  1. Bagaimana caranya mengikuti kegiatan pertukaran pelajar yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi?

Mahasiswa dapat mendaftar melalui Tim MBKM Fakultas Hukum UB, untuk memilih universitas yang telah menjalin kerjasama.

  1. Ada berapa jenis magang?

Magang, berdasarkan penyelenggaranya, dapat dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu:

  1. Magang yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian
  2. Magang yang diselenggarakan oleh instansi yang bekerjasama dengan Kementerian
  3. Magang yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Sudi




  1. Bagaimana caranya mengikuti kegiatan magang yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian dan instansi yang bekerjasama dengan Kementerian?

Mahasiswa mendaftar sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian dan instansi yang bekerjasama dengan Kementerian. Salah satu contoh kegiatannya adalah Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat (MSIB)

  1. Bagaimana caranya mengikuti kegiatan magang yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi?

Mahasiswa dapat mendaftar melalui Tim MBKM Fakultas Hukum UB, untuk memilih tempat magang yang telah menjalin kerjasama.

  1. Apakah mahasiswa dapat mengajukan tempat magang sendiri?

Dapat, melalui mekanisme Magang Inisiatif yang telah ditentukan.

  1. Bagaimana caranya mengikuti kegiatan studi independen, proyek kemanusiaan, kewirausahaan, membangun desa, penelitian dan asistensi mengajar?

Mahasiswa mendaftar sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian.

  1. Bagaimana contoh pemrograman mata kuliah dalam Program MBKM?

Contoh pemograman mata kuliah kegiatan Proyek kemanusiaan

1.MB Proyek Kemanusiaan6
2.Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat4
3.Kepemimpinan dan Kerjasama Tim2
4.Keterampilan Manajerial dan Komunikasi3
5.Kreatifitas dan Inovasi2
6.Etika dan Penalaran2
7.Diseminasi Merdeka Belajar1


Contoh pemograman mata kuliah kegiatan Magang

1.MB Magang Indsustri6
2.Praktik Kerja Lapangan4
3.Hukum Perusahaan2
4.Hukum Persaingan Usaha2
5.Hukum Kepailitan dan PKPU2
6.Keterampilan Manajerial dan Komunikasi3
7.Kepemimpinan dan Kerjasama Tim1