Human Resources


In accordance with the regulations issued by BAN-PT, permanent lecturers are lecturers who are appointed and placed as permanent staff at the university concerned. Permanent lecturers are lecturers who work full-time, have the status of permanent educators in certain higher education units, and receive recognition from the Higher Education by granting NIDN (National Lecturer Identification Number). In FHUB, permanent lecturers are divided into:

  • CPNS/PNS Lecturers who work in State Universities
  • Non-PNS Permanent Lecturers who are appointed at State Universities in accordance with the requirements regulated by Permendikbud no.84 of 2013

Educational staff consisting of academic staff, personnel and finance staff, general staff, librarians and laboratory assistants are an important part in supporting the implementation of activities in FHUB. The ratio of the number of teaching staff to needs is balanced. Each education staff has duties, principals and functions in accordance with their expertise as outlined in the quality manual and SOTK documents as well as the regulations of the dean of FHUB. Most of the educators have an undergraduate educational background with qualifications that are in accordance with the needs of FHUB’s academic and management activities. To support all activities, FHUB uses information systems such as SIAKAD, SIAMKEU, SIADO, Nodin, sireka, etc.

All educators at FHUB are committed to providing excellent service and efficient performance. FHUB supports the improvement of the competence of educators through the opportunity to take part in training related to their field of service. 


Currently, there are 94 (ninety-four) permanent faculty members, including professors, registered at the Faculty of Law. These members are distributed across six departments: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, International Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, and Islamic Law.


Currently, there are 89 administrative staff members, whose employment status includes Civil Servants (PNS), Non-Civil Servants (Non-PNS), Rector's Contract Employees, and Faculty Contract Employees.