
Bachelor of Laws Study Program

Alumni of Law Faculty joins its university-wide alumni association Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Universitas Brawijaya. Nevertheless, every alumni in every class of graduation year join their alumni associations. The alumni periodically held the gathering to expand the information on job vacancy, law development and actively involved in activities conducted by the Law Faculty.

Master of Laws Study Program

For alumni of Law-Master Program, The Law Faculty is currently not having a specific alumni association, therefore the alumni also join the Ikatan Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya

Master of Notary Study Program

The alumni association of Notary-Master Program of Brawijaya University has been established and recently the process of forming the association into Law Faculty Notary Family Organization is underway. Furthermore, the alumni of Notary-Master Program joins Ikatan Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya. The alumni association contributes to the notary program mainly in giving inputs, critics, and suggestions for development on the lecture process and widen the internship network. Besides, alumni contribute on financial bail for the activities held by the Law Faculty.

Doctoral Program

In facilitating the alumni of Doctoral Program of Law Faculty, an organization named Forum Doktor was established. Every graduate students finished their studies will be automatically admitted as a member of Forum Doktor.

Besides strengthening the relations and facilitates the doctoral program alumni, the idea of Forum Doktor is as well implemented to assist the lecture process, conduct research and assign input for developing doctoral program institutionally or culturally.

In maintaining consistency and existence, Forum Doktor will be periodically conducted a seminar and thematic studies. Source of fund utilized is dues contributed from members of Forum Doktor and donors.