[:id]Rekrutmen Online Paralegal Angkatan IX BKBH Tahun 2021[:en]Online Recruitment of Class IX BKBH Paralegals in 2021[:]

You are currently viewing [:id]Rekrutmen Online Paralegal Angkatan IX BKBH Tahun 2021[:en]Online Recruitment of Class IX BKBH Paralegals in 2021[:]


Biro Konsultasi Bantuan Hukum (BKBH) FHUB membuka pendaftaran bagi Mahasiswa yang berminat untuk bergabung menjadi Paralegal BKBH FH UB Angkatan IX Tahun 2021/2022.


Seleksi Paralegal meliputi seleksi Administrasi dan Wawancara.


Pendaftaran 8-25 Juni 2021


Pengumuman Berkas 28 Juni 2021


Wawancara 30 Juni 2021


Pengumuman Seleksi 5 Juli 2021


Syarat untuk pendaftaran adalah sebagai berikut:


1. IP Kumulatif minimal 3.00
2. Sudah menempuh mata kuliah: Hukum Acara Pidana, Hukum Acara Perdata, Hukum Acara PTUN dengan nilai kelulusan minimal adalah “B” (Baik).
3. Mengisi form Pendaftaran melalui link: https://forms.gle/JVHCvuCU4drNo7XG8
4. Mengunggah dokumen: (dalam link pendaftaran) Pas Foto formal   Mengisi Surat Pernyataan (form surat pernyataan dapat di download: SURAT PERNYATAAN.docx – Google Drive, diisi dengan tulisan tangan, di cetak, ditempelkan materai Rp 10.000,-, kemudian diunggah di link pendaftaran) Transkrip Nilai  KRS Semester yang sedang di tempuh  Membuat Essai dengan tema: Bantuan Hukum (format: 2-5 halaman, huruf Tahoma 11, spasi 1,5, kertas A4 diberi Nama dan NIM)
 5. Informasi selengkapnya silakan menghubungi :
Ibu Laila, SH (Staff BKBH) : 0813-3150-7851 Ibu Fitri Hidayat, SH.MH (Dosen FH UB-Pengurus BKBH): 085 334 000 424




The Legal Aid Consultation Bureau (BKBH) of FHUB opens registration for students who are interested in joining as Paralegals of BKBH FH UB Batch IX in 2021/2022.


Paralegal selection includes Administration and Interview selection.


Registration 8-25 June 2021


File Announcement June 28, 2021

Interview 30 June 2021

Selection Announcement July 5, 2021

The requirements for registration are as follows:

  1. Cumulative IP minimum 3.00
  2. Have taken the following courses: Criminal Procedure Law, Civil Procedure Law, Administrative Court Procedural Law with a minimum passing grade of “B” (Good).
  3. Fill in the Registration form via the link: https://forms.gle/JVHCvuCU4drNo7XG8
  4. Upload documents: (in the registration link ) Formal Passport Photo Filling in the Statement Letter (the statement form can be downloaded: SURAT PERNYATAAN.docx – Google Drive, filled in handwriting, printed, affixed with materai Rp 10,000, then uploaded on the registration link) Transcript of KRS Grades for the current semester taken,   made  an essay  with the theme: Legal Aid (format: 2-5 pages, Tahoma letter 11, spaced 1.5, A4 paper given the name  and  NIM)
  5. For more information please contact: Mrs. Laila, SH (BKBH staff): 0813-3150 -7851 Mrs. Fitri Hidayat, SH.MH (UB FH Lecturer-BKBH Manager): 085 334 000 424