The Faculty of Law at Universitas Brawijaya Expands Network of Socio-Legal Studies through ATTRACT Final Agenda

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Narasumber dan peserta ATTRACT | Foto: PSIK FH UB

[:id]Malang, FHUB – The Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FHUB), in collaboration with the Van Vollenhoven Institute, University of Leiden (VVI), and the Association of Indonesian Socio-Legal Studies (ASSLESI), held a Final Meeting of Advanced Training of Trainers in the Application of the Socio-Legal Approach (ATTRACT) from Friday to Sunday (March 10–12, 2023) at the FHUB Auditorium.

“The ATTRACT program is the result of a collaboration between FH UB and the Van Vollenhoven Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden, with funding from the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is managed by NUFFIC,” explained Dr. Fachrizal Afandi, S.Psi, S.H., M.H. as ATTRACT Coordinator.

During the final meeting, ATTRACT also presented trainers and facilitators, including Dr. Jacquline Vel (VVI, University of Leiden), Dr. Laurens van Veldhuizen (KIT Amsterdam), Dr. Fachrizal Afandi (Universitas Brawijaya), Theresia Dyah Wirastri, Ph.D. (Universitas Indonesia), Rival Gulam Ahmad (STHI Jentera), and Dr. Dian Rositawati (STHI Jentera).

This activity was also attended by lecturers and leaders of five law faculties, including the Faculty of Law from Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Malikussaleh, Universitas Hasanuddin, and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.

The Dean of FHUB, Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto, S.H., M.Hum., said that as the initiator of the program, FHUB had long been committed to strengthening socio-legal studies in the curriculum and also the research plans of FHUB lecturers.

“Now, through the ATTRACT program, FHUB is expanding its wings by strengthening cooperation with several law faculties in Indonesia. With this track record, I hope that FHUB will become one of the centers for socio-legal development both at the national and international levels,” explained Aan.

Yvonne Klerks, representing the Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia, welcomed the initiative by FHUB, VVI FH Leiden, and ASSLESI through the ATTRACT program. According to him, this program was quite successful in increasing and innovating legal higher education through cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. He hopes that this program can be continued, developed, and supported by both countries, considering the positive benefits and impacts felt by the participants from the five law faculties spread from the west to the east of Indonesia.

Koordinator ATTRACT Dr. Fachrizal Afandi (kiri), perwakilan Universitas Leiden Dr. Jacqueline Vel, Dekan FH UB Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto, bersama sejumlah pimpinan FH lain usai menandatangani Memorandum of Agreement di bidang inovasi dan penelitian hukum, khususnya pengembangan kajian sosio-legal.
ATTRACT Coordinator Dr. Fachrizal Afandi (left), a representative from Leiden University Dr. Jacqueline Vel, Dean of FH UB Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto, along with a number of other leaders in the Faculty of Law after signing a Memorandum of Agreement in the field of innovation and legal research, especially the development of socio-legal studies.

In the agenda for the ATTRACT Final Meeting, participants from each campus were asked to reflect on their practical experience in education and research at their respective campuses. Participants also presented posters on the results of individual research projects and shared their experiences as trainers for socio-legal training for colleagues at their respective campuses. In addition, the five leaders and representatives present agreed to carry out some of the ten commitments in the framework of socio-legal development. First, hold continuous training with lecturers and students. Second, develop publications through socio-legal journals and other journals at universities. Third, initiate socio-legal research grants from the faculty. Fourth, encourage the establishment of the Center for Development of Socio-Legal Studies. Fifth, socio-legal integration in the faculty’s RPS and RIP.

Sixth, create joint publications (books) on socio-legal research between universities and with VVI Leiden. Seventh, dissemination of ATTRACT results at the Dean’s meeting (BKS-FH). Eighth, socialization and introducing socio-legal issues to lecturers and students can work together with ASSLESI. Ninth, conduct lecturer exchange programs between universities. Tenth, develop guidelines for writing the final project by including examples of case studies from a socio-legal perspective.

The activity ended with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between five law faculties in Indonesia, including the Faculty of Law from Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Malikussaleh, Universitas Hasanuddin, and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, with the Leiden Law Faculty, University Leiden, the Netherlands, in the fields of educational innovation and legal research, especially the development of socio-legal studies. 


Author: Tia Rizki Febrianti
Translator: Maheswari Trinanda Putri[:en]Malang, FHUB – The Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FHUB), in collaboration with the Van Vollenhoven Institute, University of Leiden (VVI), and the Association of Indonesian Socio-Legal Studies (ASSLESI), held a Final Meeting of Advanced Training of Trainers in the Application of the Socio-Legal Approach (ATTRACT) from Friday to Sunday (March 10–12, 2023) at the FHUB Auditorium.

“The ATTRACT program is the result of a collaboration between FH UB and the Van Vollenhoven Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden, with funding from the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is managed by NUFFIC,” explained Dr. Fachrizal Afandi, S.Psi, S.H., M.H. as ATTRACT Coordinator.

During the final meeting, ATTRACT also presented trainers and facilitators, including Dr. Jacquline Vel (VVI, University of Leiden), Dr. Laurens van Veldhuizen (KIT Amsterdam), Dr. Fachrizal Afandi (Universitas Brawijaya), Theresia Dyah Wirastri, Ph.D. (Universitas Indonesia), Rival Gulam Ahmad (STHI Jentera), and Dr. Dian Rositawati (STHI Jentera).

This activity was also attended by lecturers and leaders of five law faculties, including the Faculty of Law from Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Malikussaleh, Universitas Hasanuddin, and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.

The Dean of FHUB, Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto, S.H., M.Hum., said that as the initiator of the program, FHUB had long been committed to strengthening socio-legal studies in the curriculum and also the research plans of FHUB lecturers.

“Now, through the ATTRACT program, FHUB is expanding its wings by strengthening cooperation with several law faculties in Indonesia. With this track record, I hope that FHUB will become one of the centers for socio-legal development both at the national and international levels,” explained Aan.

Yvonne Klerks, representing the Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia, welcomed the initiative by FHUB, VVI FH Leiden, and ASSLESI through the ATTRACT program. According to him, this program was quite successful in increasing and innovating legal higher education through cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. He hopes that this program can be continued, developed, and supported by both countries, considering the positive benefits and impacts felt by the participants from the five law faculties spread from the west to the east of Indonesia.

Koordinator ATTRACT Dr. Fachrizal Afandi (kiri), perwakilan Universitas Leiden Dr. Jacqueline Vel, Dekan FH UB Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto, bersama sejumlah pimpinan FH lain usai menandatangani Memorandum of Agreement di bidang inovasi dan penelitian hukum, khususnya pengembangan kajian sosio-legal.
ATTRACT Coordinator Dr. Fachrizal Afandi (left), a representative from Leiden University Dr. Jacqueline Vel, Dean of FH UB Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto, along with a number of other leaders in the Faculty of Law after signing a Memorandum of Agreement in the field of innovation and legal research, especially the development of socio-legal studies.

In the agenda for the ATTRACT Final Meeting, participants from each campus were asked to reflect on their practical experience in education and research at their respective campuses. Participants also presented posters on the results of individual research projects and shared their experiences as trainers for socio-legal training for colleagues at their respective campuses. In addition, the five leaders and representatives present agreed to carry out some of the ten commitments in the framework of socio-legal development. First, hold continuous training with lecturers and students. Second, develop publications through socio-legal journals and other journals at universities. Third, initiate socio-legal research grants from the faculty. Fourth, encourage the establishment of the Center for Development of Socio-Legal Studies. Fifth, socio-legal integration in the faculty’s RPS and RIP.

Sixth, create joint publications (books) on socio-legal research between universities and with VVI Leiden. Seventh, dissemination of ATTRACT results at the Dean’s meeting (BKS-FH). Eighth, socialization and introducing socio-legal issues to lecturers and students can work together with ASSLESI. Ninth, conduct lecturer exchange programs between universities. Tenth, develop guidelines for writing the final project by including examples of case studies from a socio-legal perspective.

The activity ended with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between five law faculties in Indonesia, including the Faculty of Law from Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Malikussaleh, Universitas Hasanuddin, and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, with the Leiden Law Faculty, University Leiden, the Netherlands, in the fields of educational innovation and legal research, especially the development of socio-legal studies. (trf/nnd)
