[:id]Dua Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Mengikuti The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference di Turki[:en]Two Lecturers From The Faculty Of Law, Universitas Brawijaya Participated in The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference in Turkey[:]

You are currently viewing [:id]Dua Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Mengikuti The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference di Turki[:en]Two Lecturers From The Faculty Of Law, Universitas Brawijaya Participated in The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference in Turkey[:]
Siti Rohmah, S.H.I., M.H.I., Dosen FH UB saat mengikuti The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Center of Islam and Global Affair di Istanbul, Turki

[:id]MALANG, FH UB – Dua dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya (FHUB) menjadi peserta pada kegiatan “The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Center of Islam and Global Affair (CIGA)” oleh Istanbul Zaim Sabahattin University (IZU). Dua dosen tersebut yakni Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pd.I dan Siti Rohmah, M.H.I. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 – 13 Maret 2023.

Agenda The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference tahun ini mengangkat tema “Examining the Cultural and Geopolitical Dimensions of Islamophobia in Muslim Majority Countries.”

Konferensi ini menjadi forum diskusi dan bertukar pikiran terkait dengan islamophobia sehingga dapat mengurangi atau menghilangkan persepsi negatif terhadap islam. Diharapkan konferensi internasional ini memberikan manfaat kepada akademisi dan masyarakat global.

Topik yang diangkat dalam cukup menarik dan konstekstual dengan kondisi global saat ini. Kegiatan konferensi internasional ini juga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan jejaring antar scholar di dunia yang semakin luas, menambah dan mengingkatkan ilmu pengetahuan, menjalin kerja sama dengan dosen di perguruan tinggi lain di dunia, dan publikasi ilmiah internasional.

Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pd.I., Dosen FH UB saat mengikuti The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Center of Islam and Global Affair di Istanbul, Turki
Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pd.I., Dosen FH UB saat mengikuti The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Center of Islam and Global Affair di Istanbul, Turki
[:en]MALANG, FH UB – Two lecturers from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) participated in “The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference organized by the Center of Islam and Global Affair (CIGA)” by Istanbul Zaim Sabahattin University (IZU). The two lecturers namely Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pd.I and Siti Rohmah, M.H.I. This activity was held on March 11-13, 2023.

The agenda of the Fourth Islamophobia International Conference this year carries the theme “Examining the Cultural and Geopolitical Dimensions of Islamophobia in Muslim Majority Countries.”

This conference is a forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas about Islamophobia, with the goal of reducing or eliminating negative perceptions of Islam. It is hoped that this international conference will provide benefits to academics and the global community.

The topics raised are quite interesting and relevant to the current global situation. This international conference activity is also beneficial for expanding the global network of scholars, adding and enhancing knowledge, collaborating with lecturers from other universities around the world, and producing international scientific publications.

Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pd.I., Dosen FH UB saat mengikuti The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Center of Islam and Global Affair di Istanbul, Turki
Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pd.I., a lecturer from FH UB when attending The Fourth Islamophobia International Conference organized by the Center of Islam and Global Affair in Istanbul, Turkey