Study at University Teknologi MARA Malaysia for 1 Semester (Credit Transfer)

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[:id]The Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya opens opportunities for undergraduate students to take part in studies at Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia. 4 students will be selected, namely:

  • 2 students self-funded
  • 2 students with grant funding*


  1. Have taken 90 (ninety) credits with a minimum GPA of 3.5
  2. Have an English competency certificate equivalent to TOEFL 500 (can be either IELTS or Duo Linggo Test);
  3. Send CV, Motivation Letter, KHS or transcript, and statement of willingness to finance through the following Google Form no later than Sunday, July 9 2023
  4. Willing to take part in a series of file selection and interviews.

*Assistance in the form of: student VISA, health insurance, and return flight tickets

All students will receive 20 credit transfer.


Registration Deadline 9 July 2023
Desk Evaluation 10 July 2023
Result of Desk Evaluation at Faculty’s website 11 July 2023
Interview (Online) 12 July 2023
Final Results at Faculty’s website 14 July 2023


International Relations Office (IRO)
Building A, 5th floor
Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya
email    : [email protected][:en]The Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya opens opportunities for undergraduate students to take part in studies at Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia. 4 students will be selected, namely:

  • 2 students self-funded
  • 2 students with grant funding*


  1. Have taken 90 (ninety) credits with a minimum GPA of 3.5
  2. Have an English competency certificate equivalent to TOEFL 500 (can be either IELTS or Duo Linggo Test);
  3. Send CV, Motivation Letter, KHS or transcript, and statement of willingness to finance through the following Google Form no later than Sunday, July 9 2023
  4. Willing to take part in a series of file selection and interviews.

*Assistance in the form of: student VISA, health insurance, and return flight tickets

All students will receive 20 credit transfer.


Registration Deadline 9 July 2023
Desk Evaluation 10 July 2023
Result of Desk Evaluation at Faculty’s website 11 July 2023
Interview (Online) 12 July 2023
Final Results at Faculty’s website 14 July 2023


International Relations Office (IRO)
Building A, 5th floor
Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya
email    : [email protected][:]