Puska SL (Center of Sociolegal Studies) Strengthen The Development of Multi-Disciplinary Legal Studies

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Sebagai satu-satunya Pusat Kajian dari fakultas dengan latar belakang ilmu sosial yang mendapat grant PHK C dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Pusat Kajian dan Penelitian Sosiolegal Universitas Brawijaya mengadakan rangkaian workshop selama dua minggu berturut-turut dalam rangka memperkuat kajian hukum secara Multidisiplin dalam prespektif sosio legal. Rangkaian Workshop yang diselenggarakan tersebut terdiri dari workshop Penulisan Jurnal Internasional (12 Desember 2013), Workshop Penelitian Sosiolegal (13 Desember 2013), Workshop Penulisan Buku (17 Desember 2013), dan Pelatihan Pengelolaan Manajemen Organisasi (19 Desember 2013), yang kesemuanya diadakan di Lantai 6 Gedung A Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya.

Acara ini dihadiri sekitar 25 peserta, baik mahasiswa S1, pascasarjana, hingga dosen di lingkungan Universitas Brawijaya. Hadir sebagai Pemateri dalam Workshop penulisan Jurnal Internasional, Prof. Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto, MA dari Universitas Indonesia dan Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Nurjaya, SH.,MS Guru Besar Hukum Universitas Brawijaya dan dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan dari Joeni Arianto Kurniawan, SH., MA; Dr. Rachmad Syafaat., SH., MSi; dan Prof. Dr. Ir. Koeswanto, MS  dalam Workshop Penelitian Sosiolegal. Kedua workshop ini diselenggarakan dengan harapan agar diseminasi penelitian multi disiplin di bidang hukum Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh civitas UB dapat terpublikasi di Jurnal Internasional bereputasi. Hal yang penting di dunia akademis khususnya dalam hal menciptakan brand image UB sebagai Universitas dengan level internasional

Prof. Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto, MA dalam presentasinya memaparkan saat ini penelitian sosiolegal belum menjadi mainstream penelitian yang digunakan oleh akademisi di bidang hukum. Joeni Ariano Kurniawan dalam kesempatan lain memapatkan risetnya tentang bagaimana penegakan hukum tidak hanya dipahami sebagai persoalan bagaimana pasal diterapkan, tetapi juga bagaimana kondisi lingkungan di sekitarnya, tegas alumni dari Center for Socio legal studies di Onati Spanyol ini  Sedangkan Dr. Rachmad Syafaat menegaskan bahwa untuk melakukan penelitian sosiolegal, seorang peneliti harus berani membongkar konstruksi hukum yang dia pahami

Pada minggu selanjutnya (17,19/12), diselenggarakan dua workshop, dimana Prof. Dr. Ade Saptomo, SH., MS., Dr. Jazim Hamidi, SH.,MH., Imam Koeswahyono., SH., MHum menjadi pemateri dalam pelatihan Penulisan Buku dan Ir. Achmad Wicaksono M.Eng., PhD dan Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, Ak., hadir dalam Pelatihan Pengelolaan Manajemen Organisasi.

Setidaknya ada fakta menarik terungkap di workshop ini, setidaknya di level Indonesia tercatat hanya UB yang serius di bidang kajian sosio legal dengan mendirikan Pusat Kajian tentang Sosio legal padahal di Luar Negeri, kajian ini sudah terlebih dahulu di inisiasi di kampus terkemuka semisal Universitas Oxford Inggris, Universitas Leiden Belanda, Universitas Heidelberg Jerman dan masih banyak kampus lain di seluruh dunia

Melalui rangkaian workshop ini, diharapkan Pusat Kajian dan Penelitian Sosiolegal menjadi lembaga yang solid dengan sumber daya manusia yang mumpuni dan dapat bersaing di level yang lebih tinggi, Salah seorang peserta, Salma Safitri, mengajak seluruh peserta yang hadir di ruangan untuk membentuk kelompok-kelompok kecil guna mengasah kemampuan menulis. “Satu hal yang sama dari kita adalah waktu selama 24 jam sehari. Sekarang bagaimana caranya agar kita bisa membentuk grup kecul untuk membahas tulisan masing-masing. Diperlukan juga tutor yakni para dosen yang mau menyisihkan waktu untuk menghasilkan karya yang bagus. Lalu diadakan tulisan bulanan.” Tegas perempuan yang juga mahasiswa pasca FH UB ini.

As the only Pusat Kajian (Center of Studies) from the faculty with the social sciences background that granted PHK C from the Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI (Minsitry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia), Pusat Kajian dan Penelitian Sosiolegal (Center for the Sociolegal Studies and Research) University of Brawijaya, held a series of workshops for two consecutive weeks in order to strengthen the multidisciplinarylaw study in sociolegal perspective. The workshops consisted of the International Journal Writing (Dec 12, 2013), Sociolegal Research Workshops (Dec 13, 2013), Book Writing Workshop (Dec 17, 2013), and Training on Management Organization Supervision (Dec 19, 2013), which all of them were held in the sixth floor of Building A, Faculty of Law, University of Brawijaya.

This event was attended by 25 participants, both students from undergraduate, graduate students, and also lecturers from Universtiy of Brawijaya. Presented as a Speaker in the International Journal Writing worksop, Prof. Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto, M.A from the University of Indonesia and Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Nurjaya, S.H, M.S as the Professor of Legal Science from University of Brawijaya, and continued by the presentation from Joeni Arianto Kurniawan, S.H, M.A, Dr. Rachmad Syafaat, S.H, M.Si, and Prof. Dr. Ir Koeswanto, M.S in Sociolegal Research workshop. The second workshop was organized with the hope that dissemination of multi-disciplinary research in Indonesian law field made by the community of University of Brawijaya to be published in the reputable international journal. It is important in academic field, especially in terms of creating University of Brawijaya as a university with the international brand image.

Prof. Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto, M.A in his presentation explained that the current reasearch has not become a mainstream sociolegal research used by law academics. In another chance, Joeni Arianto Kurniawan explained in his research about how law enforcement is not only understood as a question as how the articles are applied, but alaso ho the environment surroundins, said the alumni of the Center for Sociolegal Studies in Onati, Spain. While Dr. Rachmad Syafaat confirmed that to conduct sociolegal research, a researcher should dare to dismantle the legal construction that he/she comprehend.

In the next week (17, 19/12), held two workshops, where Prof. Ade Saptomo, S.H, M.S, Dr. Jazim Hamidi, S.H, M.H, Imam Koeswahyono, S.H, M.Hum became the speakers in Book Writing Training and Ir. Achmad Abrams M.Eng, Ph.D and Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, Ak, presented in the Training on the Management Organization Supervision.

There were interesting facts revealed in this workshops, at least at the national level, only University of Brawijaya is committed in this field of sociolegal studies by established the Pusat Kajian Sosiolegal, while in international, this studies has been first iniatiated in well-known universities, such us Oxford University in England, Leiden University in Netherlands, University of Heidelberg in Germany and many other universities around the world.

Through these series of workshop, it is expected that Pusat Kajian dan Peneliatian Sosiolegal become a solid institution with qualified human resources and can compete at a higher level. One of the participants, Salma Safitri, invited all the participants in the room to form a small groups to practice the writing skills. “One thing that is common between us is we have 24 hours per day. And now how we can form a small group to discuss each writings. It is also needed tutors which are the lecturers who wants to take part in order to produce good works. Then there was monthly writing.” said Salma, a woman who are also the postgraduate students of Faculty of Law.