[:id]Malang, FH UB – Dekan Fakulti Undang-Undang Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan, memberikan Guest Lecture pada tanggal 30 Mei 2023 yang bertempat di Auditorium Gedung A Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB). Kegiatan ini difasilitasi oleh International Relations Office (IRO) bersama dengan Kompartemen Hukum Ekonomi dan Bisnis FH UB.
Moderator dalam Guest Lecture ini yaitu Koordinator Kompartemen Hukum Ekonomi dan Bisnis FH UB, yakni Moch. Zairul Alam, S.H., M.H. Peserta Guest Lecture ini diikuti oleh beberapa dosen dan mahasiswa FH UB, mulai dari mahasiswa jenjang sarjana (S1) hingga magister (S2).
Tema pembahasan yang diangkat dalam sesi Guest Lecture kali ini adalah “Malaysia and Indonensia E-Commerce Regulatory Landscape: Learning from Each Other”. Melihat fenomena maraknya belanja secara online, terutama melalui berbagai macam e-commerce dengan segala keuntungan dan resikonya, pada sesi kali ini Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan mengupas tuntas perihal pengaturan hukum seputar e-commerce yang berlaku di Malaysia dan Indonesia.
Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini menyampaikan bahwa dalam bisnis e-commerce terdapat beberapa risiko (risks), yakni: risiko reputasi (reputation risks); risiko keamanan (security risks); penipuan (scam); dan fraud. Sehingga untuk menekan beberapa risiko dalam bisnis serta transaksi di e-commerce, perlu adanya legal fraternity dan legal education.
Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan juga menyebutkan bahwa dalam menjalankan bisnis atau bertransaksi di e-commerce, terdapat empat kunci (4 keys of) e-commerce yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu: hukum (law), norma (norms), teknologi (technology), dan pasar (market).
Instrumen hukum yang mengatur e-commerce di Malaysia dituangkan dalam Act 658: Electronic Commerce Act 2006. Sedangkan di Indonesia, peraturan e-commerce diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 80 Tahun 2019 tentang Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PP No. 80/2019).
Menurut Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan, hukum tidak hanya sebagai alat bagi Pemerintah untuk menjaga akses internet. Akan tetapi, norma, dan kebiasana yang ada merupakan cara lain untuk menjaga akses internet agar tetap aman, terutama di wilayah Asia Tenggara dan negara-negara anggota Association South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) yang memiliki kultur budaya yang cukup mirip satu sama lain.
Di akhir sesi Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan menyimpulkan sekaligus memberikan saran kepada peserta yang hadir bahwa sangat penting untuk mempelajari e-commerce yang tidak hanya mempelajari dari segi hukumnya saja, tetapi juga mempelajari disiplin ilmu lain yang berkaitan dengan hukum. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan terminologi teknologi dan bisnis yang berkembang pesat di masyarakat.
“To practice a business, law graduates must have a business mindset. We must have another skill,” ujar Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan.
Penulis: Shofa Umrotul Hasanah
Editor: Endrianto Bayu Setiawan
Penerjemah: Maheswari Trinanda Putri[:en]Malang, FH UB – The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan, gave a Guest Lecture on May 30, 2023, which took place in the Auditorium of Building A, Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB). This activity was facilitated by the International Relations Office (IRO) together with the Economic and Business Law Compartment of FH UB.
The moderator for this guest lecture is Moch. Zairul Alam, S.H., M.H., the Coordinator of the Economic and Business Law Compartment of FH UB. Several lecturers and students from FH UB, ranging from undergraduate (S1) to master’s (S2) levels, attended the guest lecture.
The theme of discussion at the guest lecture session is “Malaysia and Indonesia E-Commerce Regulatory Landscape: Learning from Each Other.” Seeing the phenomenon of the rise of online shopping, particularly through various types of e-commerce, with all of its benefits and risks, Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan thoroughly discussed the legal arrangements regarding e-commerce that apply in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini stated that there are several risks in the e-commerce business, including reputational risks, security risks, scams, and fraud. To eliminate some of the risks in business and transactions in e-commerce, it is necessary to have a legal fraternity and legal education.
Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan additionally stated that when running a business or conducting e-commerce transactions, four e-commerce keys must be considered: law, norms, technology, and markets.
The legal instruments governing e-commerce in Malaysia are set forth in Act 658: Electronic Commerce Act 2006. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, e-commerce regulations are regulated in Government Regulation Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trade Through Electronic Systems (PP No. 80/2019).
According to Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan, the law is more than just a tool for the government to keep internet access open. Existing norms and practices, on the other hand, are another approach to keeping internet access secure, particularly in Southeast Asia and member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), which have cultures that are very similar to one another.
At the end of the session, Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan concluded and advised the participants that it is extremely important to study e-commerce not only from a legal perspective but also from other disciplines related to law. This is marked by technology and business terminology that are growing rapidly in society.
“To practice a business, law graduates must have a business mindset. We must have another skill,” said Prof. Madya Dr. Hartini Saripan.
Author: Shofa Umrotul Hasanah
Editor: Endrianto Bayu Setiawan
Translator: Maheswari Trinanda Putri