Afifah Kusumadara

(S.H., LL.M., SJD)

Hukum Perdata

 Gedung C, Lantai 9, Ketua Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Hukum

Hukum Perdata Internasional, Perancangan Kontrak Internasional, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual



Universitas Brawijaya

Sarjana Ilmu Hukum, Lulus tahun 1988

The Washington College of Law, American University

Master Degree of International Trade and Banking, Lulus tahunn 1993

University of Sydney

Doctorate of Intellectual Property Law, Lulus tahun 2002

Pentingnya Konvensi Anak Hague Converence on Private Internasional Law (HCCH) Untuk Perlindungan Hak-Hak Anak Lintas Batas Negara di Indonesia, 2022

Jurnal Internasional

The Dilemma of International Arbitration Awards in Indonesia, International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, vol 6(1), pp. 114-121, 2023.

Jurisdiction of courts chosen in the parties’ choice of court agreements: an unsettled issue in Indonesian private international law and the way-out, Journal of Private International Law, pp.424-449, 2023

Rights and Obligations of the Parties Against International Arbitration Awards in Indonesia, International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, vol 6(4), pp. 185-191, 2023.

Legal Protection of Indonesian Traditional Foods from the Perspective of Geographical Indications, International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, vol 6(3), 158-167, 2023

Indonesian private international law, Australian Journal of Asian Law, vol 22(1), pp. 119-121, 2022

Jurnal Nasional
