[:id]Malang, FH UB – Forum Kajian dan Penelitian Hukum (FKPH) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) menyelenggarakan kegiatan Diseminasi Penelitian dengan tema “Kilas Balik Tragedi Kanjuruhan: Telaah Vonis Ringan Terdakwa Tragedi Kanjuruhan” pada Rabu, 31 Juni 2023 yang dilaksanakan secara daring melalui Zoom Meeting.
Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu program kerja Sub Bidang Kajian Eksternal FKPH untuk mendiseminasikan dan mempresentasikan hasil penelitian isu hukum mengenai “Kilas Balik Tragedi Kanjuruhan: Telaah Vonis Ringan Terdakwa Tragedi Kanjuruhan.” Kegiatan diseminasi ini terbuka untuk umum dan dihadiri lebih dari 70 peserta dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia.
Bentuk kegiatan diseminasi ini diawali dengan penyampaian materi hasil penelitian berupa policy brief oleh penyaji yang merupakan anggota FKPH angkatan 2022 yang telah dibagi dalam satu kelompok beranggotakan empat orang, meliputi Muhammad Rayhan Al Fatir, Ahmad Zidna Hilmy, Muhammad Ihsan Anugrah Perdana, dan Heren Puja Desfitra. Berdasarkan penyampaian hasil penelitian tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa vonis bebas terdakwa kanjuruhan memiliki beberapa kejanggalan.
“Dalam persidangan kasus Kanjuruhan, kuasa hukum dari terdakwa merupakan pihak kepolisian. Hal tersebut tentunya menyalahi ketentuan yang berlaku, bahwasannya kuasa hukum dari terdakwa harus memiliki sertifikasi yang telah ditentukan dalam undang-undang,” ucap Rayhan Al Fatir, salah satu penyaji diseminasi.
Selain itu, beberapa kejanggalan lainnya, meliputi minimnya kesaksian korban sebab saksi didominasi dari pihak aparat, persidangan yang dibatasi, rekonstruksi tidak dilakukan di lokasi, terdapat penghapusan bukti CCTV, dan kejanggalan lain yang memengaruhi hasil persidangan kasus Kanjuruhan.
Agenda dilanjutkan dengan koreksi dan pengkritisan hasil penelitian oleh Ardi Ferdian, S.H., M.Kn. selaku reviewer yang sekaligus Dosen Hukum Pidana FH UB. Berdasarkan hasil pemaparan tersebut, reviewer memberikan catatan kepada pemateri baik secara materiil maupun formil sebagai bahan evaluasi dan pembelajaran bagi pemateri.
Ardi Ferdian, S.H., M.Kn. berharap kegiatan ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi mahasiswa fakultas hukum di seluruh Indonesia dalam mengkaji dan menganalisis isu-isu hukum, khususnya isu hukum yang perlu dikaji melalui riset yang mendalam.
“Melalui agenda diseminasi penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum untuk lebih semangat mengkaji isu hukum di Indonesia,” terang Ardi.
Sumber: FKPH FH UB
Penulis: Tia Rizki Febrianti
Editor: Endrianto Bayu Setiawan
Penerjemah: Maheswari Trinanda Putri[:en]Malang, FH UB – A Legal Study and Research Forum (FKPH), which is the organization at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB), held a Research Dissemination activity with the theme “Flashback on the Kanjuruhan Tragedy: Study of the Light Sentences of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Defendants” on Wednesday, June 31, 2023, which was held online through Zoom Meeting.
This activity is one of the work programs of the FKPH External Studies Sub-Sector to disseminate and present the results of research on legal issues regarding “Flashback to the Kanjuruhan Tragedy: Study of the Light Sentences of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Defendants.” This dissemination activity was open to the public and attended by more than 70 participants from various regions in Indonesia.
This dissemination activity started with the presentation of the research results in the form of a policy brief by presenters from the FKPH class of 2022, who were divided into a group of four people, including Muhammad Rayhan Al Fatir, Ahmad Zidna Hilmy, Muhammad Ihsan Anugrah Perdana, and Heren Puja Desfitra. Based on the research results, it was determined that the acquittal of the Kanjuruhan defendant had several irregularities.
“In the trial of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy case, the attorney for the defendant was the police. This, of course, violates the applicable provisions that the attorney of the defendant must have the certification specified in the law,” said Rayhan Al Fatir, one of the presenters of the dissemination.
Apart from that, there were several other irregularities, including the lack of victim testimony because witnesses were dominated by security forces, trials were limited, reconstruction was not carried out at the location, the deletion of CCTV evidence, and other irregularities that affected the outcome of the trial in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy case.
The agenda was continued with corrections and criticism of research results by Ardi Ferdian, S.H., M.Kn., as a reviewer who is also a Lecturer in Criminal Law at FH UB. Based on the results of this presentation, the reviewer provided notes to the presenters both materially and formally as evaluation and learning materials for the presenters.
Ardi Ferdian, S.H., M.Kn., hopes that this activity can be a reference for law faculty students throughout Indonesia in studying and analyzing legal issues, especially legal issues that need to be studied through in-depth research.
“Through this research dissemination agenda, it is hoped that it can become a forum for Law Faculty students to be more enthusiastic about studying legal issues in Indonesia,” explained Ardi.
Source: FKPH FH UB
Author: Tia Rizki Febrianti
Editor: Endrianto Bayu Setiawan
Translator: Maheswari Trinanda Putri[:]